Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Cerdas Cermat Story~~

Ok this time, I will post something that actually reveal all my stupidity...*SIGH*

Ceritanya, kemarin I was asking Choco to accompany me to my cousin's wed, hmmm...tau kan tradisi
u-have-to-bring-your-partner-to-the family-wed-otherwise-the-families-will-seriously-have-PITY-on-u (panjang banget karna mengandung emosi dan kekesalan gw hhh~).

err...tapi gw ngajakin Choco bukan karena alesan itu sih...cuma biar dia agak perbaikan gizi aja bisa makan makanan yang menyehatkan di resepsi...fusilli cumi manis *terdengar suara ambulance dikejauhan* kkkk~

Dan karena gw ngajakin satu orang temen kantor gw (yang masi *cring cring* kalo liat cowo2 korea) maka gw mengajak salah satu stok (berminat?? *cling cling*) cowo korea gw untuk diperkenalkan kepada temen gw ini...

Ternyata temen gw ga dateng ~~~~~~

*krik krik*

Jadilah gw kaya grup CERDAS CERMAT yang hangat dan menyenangkan =____= hhhhh~
Gw sebagai juru bicara dengan Choco disebelah kanan saya dan Korea di sebelah kiri saya...Sooooo Sweet... *menghela nafas getir*

Question : Ih, seneng donk lo...dikelilingin cowo2 gitu...
Well, hellooo...??? Menurut lo?? Kayanya mendingan masukin pala gw di bolongan pahatan es daripada trap in that kind awkward situation...sayangnya huruf pahatan es-nya cm J sama C, jadi ga ada bolongannya...
Choco uda bete...err...yah normal sih...(gw jadi tau, hmm ternyata Choco bisa jealous~~ *nyengir* err...atau jangan2 Choco bete gara2 ga bisa deketan sama si Cowo korea?? :-s) mana ada yang suka sih kalo mesti "SHARE" (pinjem istilah Choco yang disebut2 terus selama perjalanan ke fx - di fx - perjalanan pulang...makasih buat sindirannya yang sangat mengena sayang, the weapon is in yours now...*SIGH*) pasangan sama orang laen... >_<

Tapi gw jadi tau satu hal, kalo selama ini gw ngeluh soal Choco yang minus, minus, ada bagus2nya...*lebay* kemaren gw tau klo Choco itu... was purely unintentionally situation, but still the way he handled the feeling amaze me...klo gw ada di posisi Choco mungkin gw bakalan BETE dan NGAMUK abis2an...seriously I was considering about my feeling if I filled up on his place...
but Choco cuma diem...well he said that he felf uncomfortable, but he can manage his feeling fast, dia nggak ngomel2 atau nyalahin gw...dan dia bisa tetep senyum dan temenin gw, yang ada malah gw yang ngerasa AMAT SANGAT BERSALAH T___T
At the end, malah akhirnya gw memilih untuk "kabur" dan meninggalkan Choco dan Korea itu untuk berbagi kasih...dan ternyata mereka menikmati saat2 berdua dan gosipin gw...well...I take it as my punishment deh... >_<

So at the end of the day, I was escaping myself to FX with Choco, and spent the rest of the day there...of course di sepanjang perjalanan, topic "SHARE" menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang "hangat" yang ngebuat gw SANGAT pengen tukeran tempat sama supir taksi (baca: gw bukan pengen jadi supir taksi, tapi gw pengen jadi yang nyetir biar supir taksinya aja yang duduk sebelah Choco >___<)
yeah, of course he was only teasing me...

It takes a mature person with a fully understanding and trustfulness into this kind of situation, although Choco said that he didn't like to share and NEVER been in this kind of situation before...he was understand that I wasn't intend to do that in purpose...and he understand that grunting will only hurt me even he was felt annoyed, but he was trying to hold back his feeling because he CARE about my feeling...
It needs love to wipe off the irritating feeling of him of I guess, Choco WILL NEVER BE act like the prince charming in the fairy tale I heard when I was kid...(err...bukannya dia ga charming sih...err...tapi bukannya charming juga...*dilemma* kkk)
but who the he*l need the prince charming now, fairy tale is sooo lame, I think Choco is my laptop guy, who will help me to write another blast off (without any romantic part-of course) love story with motorcycle and internet connection (oh, horse allowed on the street and people might just shot the pigeon and eat them right away...)

Love u just the way u are Choco~~ (err...sometimes...i mean the "just the way u are part" kkkk^^)