Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

The art of SMS...

Although Blackberry already introduced the new way of convenient communication called by the BlackBerry Messenger (oohh...skarang uda ada versi barunya lohh...kalo kirim picture ga perlu report download2...blablabla...*plak*)
But SMS somehow still lead in their way for non-BB community or the BB community that aren't activate the BIS service...=____=

Dan Choco...kebetulan adalah seorang truly NON-BB activist (baca : tabungan kemarin uda habis buat bayar cicilan kredit tukang sayur sama bayar akua galon isi ulang...ckck hidup memang kejam nak *nyengir lebar*) ...jadi komunikasi kita dilakukan dengan cara telpon (noted: aktifitas telpon ini memang sering dilakukan pada saat awal2 jadian...kemudian berkurang setelah Choco menemukan cinta lainnya di LEPTOP...tapi setidaknya...Choco masi suka berjanji akan telpon *dunia nyata* trus telpon *dunia mimpi*...) dan SMS...

Entah apapun bentuknya, cewe itu pasti nunggu2 segala macam bentuk komunikasi (dan perhatian penuh rasa cinta-which-only-be-happened-in-fairy-tale) dari cowonya kan?
So I think it's obviously normal to wait SMS from Choco...well, I'm not saying Choco itu pelit SMS (mungkin dia agak irit SMS disaat tagihan kredit panci dan centongnya jatuh tempo) tapi ada saat2 dimana he seems not available to respond to my SMS...
situasi yang (of course) ga akan dipahami cewe sebagai makhluk multi tasking...

Pas Choco lagi sibuk (masang2in kabel...well...engga sihh...I don't exactly know what he's doing, but it sounds like mas2 tukang masang2 antene sih...kkkkk~ sorry Choco...Vanilla ga maksud menghina km...km kan tukang kebon ya...^^) dia bisa menghilang entah kemana seharian...
Dan alasan sibuk ini kadang2 susah banget di mengerti sama yang namanya cewe >_<

So girls never get buys then?
Nah~ Girls can be busy, but...se-busy2nya cewe...dia akan masi punya cukup waktu untuk ngebales sms...

Choco busy cases
Vanilla : Sibuk yah?
Choco : ^^

Vanilla : Sibuk yah? Vanilla kangen niy...
Choco : Iyah ^^ (see...the "kangen" seems to be invisible for Choco...)

Vanilla : Choco~ Sibuk yah? Vanilla pengen nonton di velvet...uda lama ga nonton niy, Vanilla kangen Choco
Choco : ^^ Km ga malu klo aku berantakin bantal? (SEE? "kangen" part seems like still be invisible -_-;;;)

Vanilla busy case
Choco : Vanilla~ km sibuk yah?
Vanilla : Iya niy...sibuk hiks T_T kerjaan banyak banget, mana report harus slese hari ini juga...whew, blablabla

See the difference?

Well, sometimes we (baca : CEWE...iyaaaa...puass?? =___=) fuss on something base on our own habit...yup of course cewe akan selalu punya waktu untuk bales sms, telpon, terima telpon...no matter how busy is she...because we are MULTITASKING (and it explain why we are called as CLEVER...the only thing made us dumber is just we love that un-multitasking, untidy, lazy, selfish, flirting, smelly creature called by MAN *SIGH*) dan as I already explained before...jangan berharap cowo akan melakukan hal yang sama (baca : SMS panjang lebar penuh cinta dan kasih sayang) well, sadly you'll find yourself hang to death due to your desperation of hoping (ok, I know...lebay kan?)...

So you must find yourself ask this question to yourself (well...I DID)
"Jadi...cowo itu ga sayang donk, apa susahnya sih bales sms bilang sayang, kangen...kan cm beberapa menit"
>> Menurut kamus cowo "^^" = (sama dengan) "I Love u sayang, aku sibuk tapi aku tetep sayang kamu, sabar yah..."

Karna Cowo ga akan bisa multitasking...jadi buat mereka ngebales SMS adalah suatu effort yang sangat besar untuk dilakukan demi menunjukkan rasa cintanya kepada cewenya *sumpah gw berasa dangdut alay* T_T
Karna susah untuk mereka fokus ke 2 hal sekaligus means setelah bales SMS mereka akan kehilangan "jejak" dari kerjaan mereka dan ada kemungkinan untuk tracking dari awal lagi...(see...they are not as smart as they're bragging of)

So, well...men do love us, but they're just not that SMART...^_____^

Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Does Vanilla love Choco?

Of Course I do love him...well, don't get me wrong, our problem only extent to we cannot stay in the romantic situation for too long (well, wait for 1 sec and one of of will GLADLY ruin the it over -_-;;)

But I do love Choco...

In fact...I'm just an ordinary girl who loves his man more than he loves me...(kenapa Choco?? mau protes apa *ngasah parang*)
And trust me...yes I'm the kind of (ordinary) girl that asking (dengan nada manja) "Choco...kapan2 kita nonton di velvet lagi yuks...we haven't dated for a while loh" and beautifully answered by Choco as "Kamu gak malu kalo aku ngacak2 tempat tidur lagi...?"

OHMAWGAWD *pengen ngelempar kampak rasanya*

See...I never understand how his brain process the information indeed...
Kenapa sih dia ga jawab aja "Iya Vanilla...Choco juga pengen nonton disitu kok sayang~"
*SEE...refer to my statement about ruin the romantic moment*

Tapi ya...I love him anyway *agaksetengahgakrelaginingomongnya hihihi~* ^^
Walapun a friend of mine told me that I was look cool to cover up Me-Choco relationship and she obviously sense "pandangan-Choco-yang-penuh-cinta" *Gosh, I'm having a goosebumps while writing this statement...eww -_-;;;* upon me...but seriously...I love him more than that "pandangan cinta or whatever itu lah" ^o^ >> ya plis deee...klo engga sayang ngapain coba aku jalan sama tukang kebon...ehm Choco sayang *muah* ^^

Kalo Choco...sayang Vanilla ga?
I know that he loves me...soalnya...ermmm...Choco ini sabar banget menghadapi tingkat emosi gw yang diatas rata2 (well my PMS period is the period left while I'm not having my period...nah lo...bingung kan kkkk~)...I can tell that this guy show his love by his continually support and patient on me...^^
...dan kata2 alay ga karuan kalo lagi berdua...(if u meet him outside...he's not that cool...jangan tertipu...waspadalah!!!)

So...Choco...vanilla loves u...
>> Ooohh...go ahead...kamu mau ngomong "Kamu kangen sama Choco karna Choco ganteng kan sayang?" *ngasah kuku buat nyakar Choco*

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

What's wrong with u...GUYS?????

That's exactley my fave quote toward Choco~

honestly...I never understand the way Choco think on something..(dan gw yakin banget, Choco juga ga ngerti the way I think on sumthing in return)...ok let's say bilang "sayang"...
Entah kenapa, gw itu pengen denger Choco ngomong sayang ke gw verbally (dengan batas kewajaran yang normal yang tingkat kealayan yang rendah tentunya)...well, I KNOW that Choco loves me, but somehow...gw pengeeeeennn ajaaa dengernya, gpp kan??
Tapi cowo (note: gw ga bilang Choco yah!!!) kadang2 suka (terlalu banyak) mikir "hhhh...gw ga ngomong juga harusnya lo tau kan kalo gw sayang lo, otherwise ngapain gw spending my precious time dengan makhluk yang complicated (tapi manis, imut, sexy, loveable, blablabla) kaya lo..."
Tapi cewe (ok...gw sih yang mikir, tapi gw uda konfirmasi ke beberapa temen cewe gw, well, kalo there's a girl out there yang merasa disagree sama statement gw, congrats, lo berarti tipe cewe langka yang sangat mengerti cowo *minta di ajarin*) juga berpikir "yahhh...kenapa sih ngomong suka aja ribet, toh lo ga akan mati klo ngomong sayang, lagian...kan kita pacaran, apa salahnya sih ngomong sayang"

hmm...(luckily) gw ga pernah arguing sama Choco tentang hal ini sih...
Cuma kadang2 Choco sengaja banget teasing gw (Oh, dia emang KURANG AJAR indeed!!! zzzz) dengan ngomong SAYANG dengan LEBAY dan kadar ke-ALAY-an yang uda OVERDOSIS...
(Feel free to disagree if u think "TAYANG", "TAYIANK", "SAIYANKH" is count as a WORD!!)

Mmm...balik lagi ke pola pikir cowo en cewe yang bedaaaa banget (please don't disagree...there's only 2 option left, u are doing self denying or u are dating your kind -_-;;) ternyata relationship itu bukan sebatas "I love u, u love me, we are happy family..." *zzzzz...salah lagu* well...guess what, relationship comes with self-sacrifice and maturity of mind...
Cowo yang super cuek and (SOK) cool ketemu dengan putri cantik yang super sensi dan butuh perhatian dan kasih sayang (lebay detected)...ya sampe film 2012...erm maksudnya sampe kiamat juga ga ada ketemu...disini diperlukan yang namanya pengorbanan dari pihak cowo dan laki-laki *devilish grin* ^____^

~~ Maksudnya cowo dan cewe... -_-;;

Cowo harus berusaha ngerti akan kebutuhan cewe yang haus akan kasih sayang (walopun kayanya cowo2 juga sedikit takut si cewe akan mencari kasih sayang yang lainnya...*wink wink*) sementara cewe harus rela di TIGA-in bahkan EMPAT-in cintanya sama hobby, temen2 ataupun LAPTOPnya si Choco (jiaahhh...curhat colongan)...

Tapiii...menurut pengakuan Choco, walopun cowo itu sok cool en sok ga butuh cewenya, cowo itu sayang sama cewe-nya, cuma...karna fokus si cowo ga cuma ke cewe-nya, jadi kadang2 cewe nganggep cowo itu cuek en ga perhatian...well, sadly, cowo itu GA AKAN PERNAH menyamai cewe dalam hal rasa sayang kok...
But well, that make boys are boys, aren't they?

Dan kalo lagi b2...Choco ini manjanya setengah mati...bukan manja sih, lebih ke arah manjain-ala-mas2-alay-yang-foto-pake-background-pohon-kelapa-trus-tangannya-ditaro-kedagu -_-;;; (dan dia masi bisa bilang itu romantis...OH Plisssss T___T)
intinya sih...cowo dan cewe harus saling ngerti...ga bisa bilang siapa yang lebih ngertiin siapa, malah ujung2nya brantem...pada dasarnya sih...kalau salah satu pihak merasa nyaman dengan pihak yang lainnya, maka dia akan berusaha untuk memberikan rasa nyaman yang sama in return...
that's how the relationship should be worked...^^

Tapi Choco...kamu harus tetep bilang sayang ke Vanilla...emang Vanilla bisa baca pikiran apa zzzzzzz....-_-;;;

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Stupid Episodes

like other commonly relationship...well, we do love each other (awee...such a sweet intro isn't it ^^) but sadly...it seems like we have our own way to express our feeling to each other like destroy and ruin all the romantic moments built up earlier *sigh*

So, it's really common to see these kind of situation...

Vanilla : Choco mau coba makanan Vanilla...?
Choco : (dengan rakusnya) mau..mau...tapi Vanilla ga bole nyobain makanan Choco...
Vanilla : ... -_-;; (sapaaaa juga yang mao makanan lu zzz)

Choco : Kamu cantik banget sih hari ini sayang...
Vanilla : *mikir* kamu mau ngutang yah?
Choco : -_-;;;

Choco : Sayang...kamu cantik ga hari ini?
Vanilla : Ya cantiklah...plis dee...
Choco : iyaaa...maksudnya cantiknya gimana? cantik kaya lenong apa gimana?
Vanilla : #$%^&*$%!$%^@#

Vanilla : Choco~ Vanilla kangen loh sama Choco...
Choco : (dengan muka nyebelin yang minta didorong ke jurang) aku emang ngangenin ya sayang? aku loveable ya? kamu kangen terus ya...
Vanilla : *langsung ilfil dan pengen muntah*

Vanilla : kenapa sih kamu suka sama aku?
Choco : Soalnya...kamu kaya kucing...
Vanilla : ????? (ni manusia punya kecintaan berlebihan sama binatang apa gimana sih? sebenernya gw membuat keputusan yang bener ga sih dengan pacaran sama dia *cemas*)

Choco : Vanilla sayang, kenapa sih kam mau jadian sama aku...
Vanilla : Hmm...soalnya kamu jelek...kamu tau kan, kalo dunia ini adil, pilihannya adalah cantik en pacaran sama orang jelek atau jelek pacaran sama orang ganteng...aku kan cantik...^^
Choco : *muka males* ...

and here comes the GRAND FINALE...

Vanilla : Choco mau dibeliin makan ga?
Choco : Mauu....
Vanilla : Nasi capcay choptix yah...
Choco : Engga ah Vanilla...mahal T_T
Vanilla : Ya udah...aku yang bayarin deh...
Choco : ya karna kamu yang bayarin Vanilla...jangan mahal2...
Vanilla : ... *pengertian banget yah si Choco*
Choco : Soalnya kalo mahal2...kamu BAYARINNYA cm SEKALI sayang, kalo murah kan BAYARINNYA BISA SAMPE SEMINGGU...
Vanilla : ... (pinjem garpu ke tukang mi ayam terdekat buat ditancepin di jidat Choco biar PINTERAN DIKIT!)

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Do u want to be my girl...well...U HAVE TO..

So...after million attempts of PDKT (including ngatain gw JELEK dan hinaan2 lainnya >> I am not even sure if he likes me or just hates me)so I finally decided to hang out with Choco...

We were going to PP and I spent my 4 hours to chose over my outfit and make-ups (yes I was doing that..for this needs-not-even-reach-on-2-mins-to-prepare-everything guy...life sucks girls, indeed T_T)
And the result was...I was LATE...(well, that's not my fault, he only took 2 minutes to prepared while I almost break my room down with those piles of clothes *sigh*).
When he reached PP, I was finished my upper eye-liner and replied to him that I already at taxi heading there...so he was waiting for almost 1 hour (and NO, I wasn't feel that guilty actually ^^)

And when he saw me, I knew I DID IT WELL (I mean my make-ups thingy), he almost had his jaw dropped and said to me "kamu bisa keren juga" *GUBRAAKKK* (jatoh terguling2 dari eskalator) GOSH...I WONDER IF HE ALREADY SOLD HIS BRAIN OUT??? -_-;;;

Nothing special on our date actually, we were watching movie at Blitz...tapi nontonnya di Velvet class...mm...ga tau velvet class? Coba liat disini *males ngejelasin* ^^
So we were about to share the bed to watch the movie (I kinda forget the title actually)

U guys may think that we were having a romantic dating at that time, well...it should be romantic since there were a nice and comfy bed with piles of fluffy pillows and bag of popcorn...but...
Selama 20 menit pertama, Choco dengan NORAKnya hampir menghancurkan our bed dengan ngerubah2 posisi bantal sampe uda ga jelas semua susunannya (I was sooo afraid that he might accidentally throwing off one of the pillow and hit one of the audience nearby, at that time I was so ready with the I-swear-to-God-that-I-don't-know-him face) ga tau deh...I was trying to tolerance on him by thinking "well...mungkin dia biasanya tidur di bale-bale kali..jadi kalo dikasi kasur enpuk dan bantal, jadi salting...zzzz -_-;;;"

After the movie, we decided to hit Minus 2 (ask Choco and he will said it as "itu kan...20 MINUTES" -_-;;) 2 glass of cold beer, 1 midori melon and Martini were definitely hit us at that time *yumz*
Dan di tengah almost drunk-nya gw, Choco tiba2 bisik2 ke gw "Vanilla...lo tau ga, sebenernya gw pengeeenn banget minta lo buat jadi special girl in my life...tapi kok gw ga bisa"


??????? At that time, gw pengen banget nancepin ANAK PANAH ke JIDAT nih manusia...WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM???
Ga jelas banget kan? Trus gw mesti gimana coba? Should I say "Oh...kasian deh gw" zzzzz...dan gw bener2 BETE banget...aneh banget ga sih, kayanya sepanjang sejarah perabadan manusia yang telah gw lewatin (iya tau...lebay kan??) seumur2 gw ga pernah deh nemu yang kaya gini...well, ga tau deh kalo ternyata dia berasal dari jaman purbakala gitu...hhhhh~~~

Dan gw cuekin dia...

Sampe tiba2 dia ngomong ke gw "
Choco : Vanilla, gw ga perduli lo mau atau engga, u are my girl now!
Vanilla : ... (bingung)
Choco : I don't care whether u agree or disagree, I want u to be my girl
Vanilla : ... *menikmati beer*
Choco : Km sekarang pacar aku
Vanilla : ya uda, kan emang ga dikasi pilihan...

ROMANTIS GA SIHHH??? *sarcastic*
Ga ada deh itu yang namanya dongeng cinderella...it only happen in fairytale...huhuhu...
Welcome to the real relationship...or it just us...*tertawa getir*

Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Choco Met Vanilla

Although we have this weird-tease-and-bully-each-other relationship, but yes, we still met at the ordinary place at the ordinary time...^^

Like I was told in my previous blog I quit my job and joined new (Korean...again *sigh*) company...
It was 1st irritating day for me as a newbie at new office (it's not because I hate the office...but I hate to be a newbie with lack of friends and feel like a stranger and totally idiot >> ok not idiot, that just too much...)
So Here I was, berdiri sendirian di pojok and completely clueless for what should I do...then he was coming to me, handed me my laptop, smile...dan pegi ninggalin gw sendirian *GUBRAK*
Kesan pertama yang begitu indahnya sampe gw berasa pengen ngelempar meja (is it that hard to being nice to a newbie like meeeeee??? *emosi jiwa raga*)

Setelah insiden laptop itu...yang belakangan gw tau, ternyata dia mempunyai dendam sama gw gara2 gw telah merebut laptop yang katanya uda di lap dengan penuh kasih sayang sampe jadi indah seperti baru (seriously he said that...and YES, HE IS THAT LEBAY!!!) harus diserahkan kepada gw si anak baru (well, sadly I missed that info, otherwise I might just hang around near his desk bringing my Laptop and swing it around him...*HAHAHA* oke...sekarang gw yang lebay). And fyi...dia dengan sangat "jenius"nya meng-install windows 7 ke laptop dengan kapasitas yang menyedihkan, yang menyebabkan laptop bermasalah itu NGE-HANGdan gw harus ganti laptop karna pas di-install ulang driver-nya ga matching semua (BRAVO *tepuk tangan dengan sepenuh jiwa*)


Kok jadi ngelantur...T_T

Menurut pengakuan dia...he was trying to flirt with me, but seriously...

Flirt #1
Choco : gw ga tahan banget pengen ngomong ini ke lo...
Vanilla : ? (in mind : mmm u look beautiful today)
Choco : Itu pipi ga kemerahan yah?
Vanilla : (&^%$#^@%*&!@) gw alergi *sambil melengos en nahan diri buat ga nancepin garpu ke palanya hhhh~*

Flirt #2
Choco : hmm...lo ga mandi ya? kok hari ini ga wangi kaya kemarin?
Vanilla : ^!@&*^!#%$@ *ngambil stapler buat ngelempar palanya*

Flirt #3
Vanilla : *bengong* (di meja ada hot choco-nya starbucks)
Choco : Tuh buat lo, bawel banget sih minta2 hot chocolate mulu
Vanilla : *melongo* ...

Flirt #4
Choco : Gw ga suka liat lo akir2 ini...lo jelek banget...
Vanilla : *tersinggung abist dikatain jelek sama orang yang ga ganteng* enak aja gw ga jelek!!
Choco : Jelek
Vanilla : Kok lo jahat banget sih ngatain cewe jelek, itu ga sopan...
Choco : Ya kalo emang jelek, masa gw mesti bilang cantik...
Vanilla : *ngasah piso*

Flirt #5
Vanilla : Kaki gw lecet niy...sepatunya sakit, beliin tensoplast donk...>_<
Choco : mmm...tar yah, lagi bikin report
Vanilla : Jahhh...butuhnya skarang, bentar lagi meeting niy...
Choco : Tapi skarang ga bisa, lagi ngerjain report...
Vanilla : Yawda, gw beli ndiri...
Choco : Nitip pocari yah...*tanpa rasa berdosa*

Ok...So I'm out for now *mulai berasa emosi berat lagi* dasar cowo paraaaahhhhhhh!!!! T____T

Intro to (the ballad of) Choco and Vanilla~

Well...it's my 2nd blog (literally) my previous one was still exist (yaaaayyyy...well it's quite impressing since I never keep my blog for more than 1 moth without losing the password or even the username T_T)

Ok...why I compose another blog?
Well, it's simply because my boyfriend bugs me (not encourage...it's literally bug me) all the time to start to write about our relation...trust me, he will regret it since the story of him won't be that nice *very devilish grin*

What's the relation of my boyfriend with the title of this blog?
Umm...yeah because Choco is his nickname and Vanilla is mine, so this blog is mostly about our so-lack-of-Romanticisms-relationship-although-we-try-so-hard-to-make-it-happen-but-it-always-end-by-one-of-us to-ruin-it story

Choco? That sounds sweet...I bet he's really sweet like Chocolate?
Well...err...actually the reason wh he got that nick name is because he has this tanning (well...it's a softer version of dark -for your info-) skin...so it's not refer to flavor actually...but if u insist, ok he's a dark chocolate, so it's bitter *ROFTL* ok...ok...ok...he might be read it and take a revenge on me...so hunnie, u are sweet actually...but please understand that we already tried to be romantic and fail all the time, don't we?

Stop asking! It's simply because I'm whiter than him ok...and it's our effort to be romantic by creating this nick name...but sadly he loves to give other girls nickname also, so it makes our nickname thingy turn into common thing (yeah...thanks to u Choco hhh~~)

Enuff for the intro I guess...so...let me jump into the story...
But maybe next time, cuz I'm already pissed of to think about the bad attitude of Choco...-_-;;;
Hunnie...they way u being nice to every women just tell that u love to flirting and STOP that before I'm going to GEPLAK u...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~