Senin, 13 Desember 2010


Helloooo World... (or hello me...since it's only me talking to myself here...?!)

It's been a month since Choco went to Dubai, and YES HE'S STILL THERE...cuz he still attracted by the "windy" of Dubai, windy in this case stand for Cewe2 arabic yang oohh maaii gaaattt kereen bangeeettss itu loh... *ngasah parang*

So I was surfing about Dubai, like well...I don't have an peculiar interest on the middle earth and European countries actually (except where the Greek's God face structure are engraved onto the living creature called by short -- sumpah ganteng2 pisan euy cowonya...*ngeces ngeces* ) but since Choco is currently there, so I am a bit curious...

And...It leads me to the grand discovery of the year that Babyphat and Juicy Couture open up their outlet at DUBAI *histeris* aaa...aa...aaaa...a...aa...
Segeralah dengan hati berbunga2 gw mulai menuliskan daftar titipan oleh2 gw ke Choco...disertai dengan capture gambar dari tiap2 titipan gw (kurang baik apa gw? selain tulisan, gw juga menyiapkan visualisasi titipan gw, ga ada kan orang lain yang kaya gw??)

Then, when I chat with pun mengutarakan keinginan gw...

Vanilla : Choco...*manja*
Choco : Iyah...
Vanilla : mmm...vanilla bole nitip ga? *diucapkan dengan tingkap kemanjaan yang diatas rata2, yang dipercaya dapat menaklukan uler sekalipun*
Choco : *singkat, padat dan lugas* enggak!
Vanilla : ... *masi berharap Choco bercanda*
Choco : ...
Vanilla : *1st attempt* ya uda kalo ga bole...
Choco : *kasi icon senyum dengan tidak berdosanya*
Vanilla : *2nd attempt* Vanilla ngerti kok, pasti ribet yah kalo vanilla nitip...
Choco : kamu kecewa yah >> menurut lo??
Vanilla : *3rd attempt* engga kok, walopun vanilla pengen...tapi vanilla ngerti (baca : kaga kecewa...cuma bawaan pengen nyakar pake garukan rumput aje...=___=)
Choco : *icon senyum >> yang jadi terlihat seperti icon minta di geplak* hehe

dan Choco *dengan tanpa rasa bersalah* terus ngoceh dan amazingly gw masi bisa tanggepin...walopun perbendaharaan kata gw tiba2 menyusut jadi "mmm", "iya", "ga tau", "engga"...
Dan tingkap kepekaan seorang cowo-which-is-dapat-di-ekualisasikan-dengan-tingkak-kepekaan-seekor-keong-racun-pun membuat Choco balik lagi ke topic yang tanpa disadarinya dapat mengancam nyawa dan eksistensi spesiesnya...(yeah because all men in the world are the SAME)

Choco : Vanilla menyembunyikan perasaan yah...
Vanilla : *mikir ini cowo kok berani mati banget yah, uda dialihin masi aja balik ke topik itu, ini sih sama aja kaya dia nari2 telanjang sambil bawa daging di kandang singa* ...
Choco : *kasi icon ngikik yang sumpah minta di colok pake jempol kaki* Vanilla kecewa yah...
Vanilla : *DAAAA...???!?*
Choco : Choco kan takutnya ga bisa beliin, nanti vanilla kecewa...*innocent, berasa uda memberikan jawaban yang sangat wise...hhh pantes aja supermen poninya nyambung*
Vanilla : Iya tau...tapi kan choco bisa basa basi dulu ke vanilla, ga langsung nolak...
Choco : Basa basi gimana?
Vanilla : Ya...kan bisa bilang "ya nanti coba choco cariin yah..."
Choco : Oh gitu yah...tapi klo choco ngomong gitu, trus choco ga beliin, nanti vanilla kecewa...
Vanilla : *menghela nafas panjang...* (note: I wonder if the boys which always committed that "they are VERY LOGICALLY" can somehow be MORE CLEVER at least...once?) kan tinggal bilang..."tapi kalo ga dapet gpp yah?"
Choco : ... *well I think he is currently THINK really hard about my SIMPLE-and-will-simply-solve-the-problem statement*
Vanilla : Choco...
Choco : Iya yah...bener juga...
Vanilla *nyengir pasrah* ...
Choco : Lagian kan vanilla mungkin ngambek gara2 choco ga bisa beliin titipan (helloo...oleh2...bukan nitip...kindly note) vanilla...
Vanilla : *=____= Helllooooo...where have that thought been before???* iyah heh heh heh >> ketawa maksa

Well...refer to my very previous statement...we girls need to understand boys more...well it might sounds unfair (or whatever) but it's impossible to make them aware of our feeling...
note : it's not they AREN'T CARE about our feeling, it's about the only "feeling" they've been handled is (or are) laptop, motorcycle, car, server...and REMEMBER that those things only accept straight order and give straight respond! So girls...if you REALLY want men to UNDERSTAND u, please make yourself available to be inserted by a CD and formatted, because that's the simple way of men understanding

Yes...they love u girls...they just have no ability to distinguish us from their "toys" except we have more curves instead...*sigh*

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